Tuesday, June 18, 2024

303. BJP has ulterior motives in India's demonetization


BJP has ulterior motives in India's demonetization

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Sandsun, Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

From 2014 to 2016 when it came to power, the Bharatiya Janata Party and its controlling-corporates were in conspiracies to protect their private interests by withdrawing some currency notes from circulation and printing and issuing new ones in their place. From December 2016, the steps to implement it started. They never went to the issuing of the new notes legally done by the Reserve Bank of India- the Narendra Modi government printed and issued them directly. Banning 500 and 1000 rupee denomination notes, 15 lakh crore new currency notes were printed replacing the old ones by India. In this printing there was no nationalism. Up to fifty percent of the paper for printing the new notes was imported from England said to be by the RBI. The security threads used in the notes were imported from Ukraine, Italy and England. The claim that the Intaglio ink used was also imported is implausible for a reason mentioned later. In this way, notes have been printed and brought from America, Germany and England, and this has been admitted in front of the various parliamentary committees including those on Public Undertakings.

Countries that print money from abroad will never admit that they have printed and brought money from abroad. The big companies that print these do not disclose which country's central banks and governments they have printed the money for either. This is possible because there are no global laws governing the printing of money. The danger in this is that the company knows the security secrets of the money it prints and that they can be obtained by enemy countries and thus a huge amount of exactly original counterfeit currency can be printed by enemy countries and private groups and landed in that country. That's what happened to India in the case of the two thousand rupee note that came out only in 2016, due to the said Pakistan nuisance ended up being withdrawn just six years later in 2023, and the many crores of rupees of India’s money it needed to print it and re-calibrate all the Automated Teller Machines in the country to its size went down the drain because of BJP and Narendra Modi. In the meantime, what they took away was theirs.

The advantage of printing money abroad in large companies is that modern technology can be used without any additional cost, capital for the machinery is not required, and more money can be printed than the documents and records show and sent directly in containers from the ports to the warehouses of the political parties ruling the country. If it is printed in local presses, it will be caught if it is smuggled like this. Will leak to people at least told by the printers and will be caught by people. BJP took advantage of the last-said.

Eleven percent of all countries' currency is minted in private foreign presses. Europe and North America have the biggest currency note printers. One of the biggest British companies is printing notes for one hundred and forty central banks in different countries; and their main German rival for one hundred! India also is printing currency for an undisclosed country. In many places tens of crores worth of notes are lost on the way from printing which is common. These are not lost, but are going to the vaults of the ruling party of the respective country. Accounts and records are made that it is lost. They are brought after printing not by plane but by ship- suitable for this kind of losing. They are used to win elections like the BJP does in India.

In August 2018, China's Alibaba Group's Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post itself reported that the China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation, owned by the Chinese government, was awarded the contract for minting currency for India. It also claimed that they got contracts from many countries including India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Thailand, Brazil and Poland. The BJP’s Narendra Modi government denied it by explaining that Indian currency is minted in the four high security presses in the country, but because it was Narendra Modi nobody believed it. It was a time when China was making continuous attacks on India's border.

This currency minting and printing press of the Chinese government which has more than ten branches turned to printing everything from driving licenses to currency notes for foreign countries to hold on, to prevent the machinery from rusting and perishing, and not to lay-off the existing 18000 workers, when people turned to online money dealings and the printing of the Chinese currency note Yuan had to be stopped. Nepal was the first to get. Since 2015, Nepal has been printing currency in China. And now India too!

Although the central government denies that their notes were printed and brought from China, if it uses a technology called intaglio printing that prints simultaneously on both sides of the note with the letters raised, it was printed in China because only China has that technology. If a holographic feature called Color Dance also has been used in India's note, then it was printed in China, because it was acquired by China in 2015. An Indian Parliamentary Committee in 2010 pointed out that the risk of illegal overprinting of notes by printing notes abroad also exists. That's what happened later- they illegally minted extra notes and brought them to their own coffers. At least a part, if not completely, is being minted abroad. Only then could at least a part be pinched.

48 crore notes each of Rs 2000 and Rs 500 were printed by November 2016. The entire money spent on the Rs 2000 note which was introduced as a temporary currency in place of the banned notes was lost in 2023 due to its ban. Said to be printed with 17 new high-security features, including the thread color changing from green to blue when the note is tilted, not even one percent of the cost of the note was recovered as a result of the supposed confiscation of black money and the preventing of the printing of counterfeit currency which it was claimed to be sure to follow the ban. Black money continued, and currency counterfeiting also continued: the Modi government stood watching mute! When the BJP administration said it intended a shift towards digital payments from cash payments planned in the country, it landed in digital payment scams and frauds increasing ten thousand times. It only remains to be seen if BJP’s objective was to make money that way too!

As in 2019, now when the elections have come again in 2024, they have set out again to ban the old notes and printing new ones! Without banning those notes and printing new ones, even if only the seizure of black money and the prevention of counterfeiting of money were strengthened, how beneficial and profitable it would have been for the country! But with that, the goal of the BJP and the corporates of amassing money everyway would not have been achieved!! It came out later in many places after many incidental arrests that it was BJP leaders acting behind all these black money and counterfeiting operations. A religious political corporate movement indeed for whom money is the breath of life, led by those who pretend to be saints, clothe themselves and act like saints, and walk with the gait and expressionless faces of saints!

Allegations accompanied by evidence have already been there since the release of the Panama Papers in 2016 that De La Rue, the world's largest banknote printing company which runs the Bank of England's facility in Debden, is taking over the banknote printing business from India by paying a fifteen percent commission through a person in Delhi named Somendra Khosla. The evidence that came out that way then was belonging to the period from 2002 to 2010. It is evident that after him, the commission in that business was handed over to BJP. The Bharatiya Janata Party government, which came to power in 2014 and implemented the Make-In-India project by giving it a worldwide big publicity, under the guise of that project in which everything was desired and promoted to be made in India, joined forces with this Swiss-British company to set up a system for note printing at the Mysore headquarters of the Reserve Bank Printers. But why did they then join with the Komori Corporation of Japan and set up the same or a similar facility in Salboni in Japan, what happened to that, what happened there, and where did everything that was printed there go? And how is it that these notes that were printed with the help of so many people who are at the top in the world and the leading companies of the world in that industry, and saying they are so special, were so many fake notes made of, finally ended up being beaten thoroughly and lost to such an extent that they had to be withdrawn?

So on 19 May 2023, the story of the Rs 2000 note issued by the Reserve Bank of India and the central BJP government on 8 November 2016 ended after six years. Many reasons except that they were badly needed for winning the elections were given including that counterfeit money from Pakistan is a nuisance, which the people did not accept but the Supreme Court accepted. Hope that one hundred and thirty-six people will not die in queues before banks to exchange these notes as earlier!

Written on 20 May 2023 and first published on: 18 June 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 20 May 2023 and first published on: 24 May 2023

SM1304. ഇ൯ഡൃയുടെ നോട്ടുനിരോധനങ്ങളിലു് ബീജേപ്പീയു്ക്കു് അതിഗൂഢമായ നീചലക്ഷൃങ്ങളുണു്ടു്


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