Friday, June 14, 2024

298. Due to Pakistan constantly issuing counterfeit Rs 2000 notes, India has withdrawn the Rs 2000 note. Why not say that Narendra Modi has lost the counterfeit currency war with Pakistan?


Due to Pakistan constantly issuing counterfeit Rs 2000 notes, India has withdrawn the Rs 2000 note. Why not say that Narendra Modi has lost the counterfeit currency war with Pakistan?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Atstock Productions. Graphics: Adobe SP.

India has withdrawn its Rs 2000 note due to Pakistan continuously printing India's counterfeit Rs 2000 notes and distributing. 2000 rupee note was withdrawn from circulation and further printing on 19 May 2023. Why not say that Narendra Modi has lost the counterfeit currency war with Pakistan?

Among the rulers of India so far, the most irresponsible ruler playing with currency note which is the lifeline of the country and the people is Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the BJP. The reason for this is that he knows nothing about economics. Also, he has not retained near him anyone who is capable of telling him the intricacies of economics. And the noted other economist and husband of his finance minister Smt. Nirmala Sitaraman is opposing his economic policies and decisions! Even those are there around him are fools who believe and hope that Lord Rama and Lord Krishna will come again and lead the country. He did not listen to the advice of people like Manmohan Singh, who ruled India before him as Prime Minister and was the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India and the Union Finance Minister and one of the most noted economists of the world, and dismissed it as if he knew better than that. He also did not listen to the warnings given by learnèd and experienced people about the procedures to be followed while banning, withdrawing and issuing new notes and evaluating and assessing before doing it whether it was necessary or not for the country and to what extent. The only objective before Narendra Modi then was to enlarge the cash reserves of his Bharatiya Janata Party and his corporate masters, and to destroy the cash reserves of the enemy political parties and rendering them unusable, thereby preventing and ending any effective political resistance from them to him in the elections.

In 2014, no sooner the BJP came to power in India, than starting the demonetization process secretly- secretly, i.e. unbeknownst to the people and the opposition parties in the country but with full advance knowledge to all the corporates in the country- was proof of that. The fussiness, frenzy and fuss that wasn’t shown in any other thing that affects the people's lives and national security shown in the banning of notes and printing new ones and moving them in container-loads to their own bases show that their political goals were to keep intact, increase and sit on their own money reserves and destroy and render useless those of their political opponents. It affected all the people in the country except him, his party and their corporate masters, in such a way that it makes the people uncomfortable just by looking at his face.

It was after that single action in which what the private end results and private benefits should be were determined and set aside from the first, that the BJP's wealth rose sharply in the country, the corporates leading and sticking to BJP became the world's number one richest people, and their manipulations in the stock market and in all other ways of fundraising started. (It’s more expensive to remain as the world’s number one richest person than to becoming it!). Along with this, because of the uselessness of the notes in their hand, the funds of the opposition parties collapsed and in the political and administrative fields Narendra Modi became indefensible. This demonetization was only for that purpose- the most crookèd project formulated by the most crookèd minds!

It was a first-rate fraud, deception and hypocrisy ever witnessed by India, that too from the constitutional-appointees including the Prime Minister, the Finance Minister and the Reserve Bank Governor. Those in the Reserve Bank and the Supreme Court were afraid and ashamed to accept this naked truth which the whole country knew. They were afraid and ashamed to even accept that the Government and the Prime Minister had no authority to ban currency notes and issue new ones and only the Reserve Bank had it. Such were their decisions and judgments all. Even pointing out before them that the central government has the authority to issue notes only in the lowest denomination like the old one-rupee notes made them upset and shaking. It remains the fact that the central government has the sole power to print only coins, and in that the RBI has the power only to distribute it.

Were the counterfeit Indian 2000 rupee notes printed by Pakistan scattered through drones or flown by planes and brought to India and dropped from the skies for free? Were they not passed through the border and got into India? Were the borders being kept open for them? What were Narendra Modi’s forces standing doing there at the border for long? Was it not enough for it only to be stopped at the border? When a ruler issues a currency note, what type of a ruler is he who cannot protect that note?

Written on 20 May 2023 and first published on: 14 June 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 20 May 2023 and first published on: 23 May 2023

SM1302. പാക്കിസ്ഥാ൯ നിരന്തരം ഇ൯ഡൃയുടെ 2000രൂപ കള്ളനോട്ടടിക്കുന്നതുകൊണു്ടു് ഇ൯ഡൃ 2000രൂപനോട്ടു് പി൯വലിച്ചു. പാക്കിസ്ഥാനുമായുള്ള കള്ളനോട്ടുയുദ്ധത്തിലു് നരേന്ദ്രമോദിതോറ്റുവെന്നുപറഞ്ഞുകൂടേ?








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