Friday, June 28, 2024

312. It seems Putin hoped that if he shot people, people would say hi!


It seems Putin hoped that if he shot people, people would say hi!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Roland Wolfgang. Graphics: Adobe SP.

It is not just saying that Russian President Vladimir Putin is sick in the head. Until 27 February 2022, Russia was a relatively healthy country, and President Putin's words were valued and listened to in many parts of the world. Germany, Japan and Italy, who started the Second World War, have written in the history of the world for any political or economic fool to learn, that if these two things are lost- i.e. the health and value of a country and its leader- it will be difficult to recover and it will take decades to regain them. If a country that is sitting comparatively pretty and in a good position invades another country, either the economic condition of that country should improve, more people should listen to what that country says, or it should get at least a piece of land from the other country. Neither of these happened to Russia in the Ukraine war. That is why it is said that Putin's head is not well. This can be understood if you take a quick look at what happened to Russia after suddenly attacking Ukraine. But Putin did not learn any lessons from these.

In just the first four days of the war, 9000 Russian soldiers lost their lives in Ukraine. 50 Russian warplanes, 35 helicopters, 400 tanks and 1200 armored vehicles were destroyed. And the figures in the hands of the UN observers have not yet been released. The death of civilians in Ukraine, according to the UN estimates, was 240 till then. Assets and deposits of Russian banks in Europe and America were seized, transactions ceased, and all but one went bankrupt. Which bank would not collapse in a bank run overnight when the customers withdraw their money due to fear! Ukraine is now openly doing a reckless adventure that many countries in the world have done before wars- releasing the entire ex-military prisoners from jails, and that too according to a government's decision- their mission being not to let a single Russian soldier or those African mercenaries sent by Russia who entered Ukraine live, unless they die in war, fighting against Ukraine for Russia! The Indian Bank S.B.I. stopped all transactions with Russian entities. It was knowing well that all India's massive deals in the energy, nuclear and chemical sectors with Russia would stop that this move without finding any other move was taken- to stay within the world banking community.

Most countries, including the United States, have begun the process of recalling embassy officials from Moscow- and Russia too, in turn. Putin's Russia is losing diplomatic relations and cooperation with the countries of the world one by one and is becoming like Iran. Many world-famous brands and companies closed their operations in Russia and left the land. The three hundred and fifty Indian companies that remain there will leave the place the very moment the European sanctions are imposed on them. How much more attractive and lucrative is the European trade than the Russian trade! The money could be received in euros rather than in depreciated rubles too.

Despite the doubling of the interest rate by the Russian Central Bank, the price of the Russian ruble in the international market has fallen to the ground- first in history! When Putin thought about doing it, it happened, through his actions! There is a bigger panic in Russia now than when the BJP government imposed demonetization in India. There are now unprecedented crowds in Russia in front of banks to withdraw money. Russian government is printing counterfeit money and filling the ATMs- to avoid people’s agitations and mass riots at least temporarily. Due to the economic sanctions of the European Union and NATO countries, Russia is now unable to take out, use or even touch its foreign exchange reserves of the enviable five million crore dollars (630 billion dollars), which is the second largest in the world. The Russian government's own airline Aeroflot canceled all international services. This is not because there are no passengers to go out of Russia, but because Russian aircraft lost access to the skies of many countries. Aeroflot now operates services only to the vassal state of Belarus, at least to deliver supplies needed for the war in Ukraine at least up to there.

As a reflection of the world embargo, Russia started experiencing food shortages from the first week of March 2022. President Putin says that those who sell goods on the black market will be punished, but it is Putin's own Russian mafia that controls the black market and makes money in Russia. It means that Putin makes the most money out of the black market spawned by the war which he created! Did he create a war to create a black market to make money before he flees?

Natural gas and petroleum trade from Russia has almost completely stopped. Now both are flowing to and money is coming back from only India and China. Once produced, considering the space to be needed and the risk to be taken, very little petroleum can be stored and natural gas never. Once produced, they must flow. Otherwise, production must stop and natural gas must be capped, but with that the cash flow also will stop. Then there will be no more money to buy munitions and pay soldiers. The result will be defeats on the battlefield and mutinies in military. The existing petroleum and natural gas production facilities and storage facilities are also being fired by Ukrainian through missiles and rockets.

Like any unscrupulous and short-sighted psychopath, Putin did not expect that so many countries would impose such heavy sanctions on Russia in all spheres from its financial to its social interactions, and that it would affect all spheres of life in Russia so quickly. It is clear that he was hoping that if he entered a foreign country and shot people, people would go to him and say hi!

Putin's calculations were that within two days of the start of the war, he could capture the main airports and airfields in Ukraine and capture the air routes as well without NATO's interference and by flying Russian planes into Ukraine could deliver food and fuels to the soldiers and vehicles landed inside Ukraine by him. Like all the plans and ideas of those who are not well in the head, it didn't work out. Thus, the Russian soldiers who entered Ukraine, due to physical disability, tiredness and stupor, without resorting to raping Ukrainian women, walked straight into the hands of the Ukrainian people for an early one-time meal and a cup of water; the dreaded assault convoys that had been moving for miles to capture Ukrainian towns, without refueling, without food and water getting replenished, disappeared even from the satellite images, disappeared out of nowhere: Perhaps they might have quickly flown back to Belarus under the cover of night, with whatever supplies they had saved, or they would all have been mock-ups of heavy armaments and army carriers made of cardboard mounted on the chassis of old vehicles- a regular deception by Russia- which they themselves might have burned during their escape.

As the second phase of the war, the shelling and bombardment which had been carried out only on the military bases and centers and government institutions until then, was turned towards the population centers by Russia. It was cluster bombs they exploded in many places- in front of the common people who had no defense training at all compared to the soldiers. The intention was to capture the capital of Ukraine, Kiev, the university city of Kharkiv, and other important cities. Even after seventeen days they could not be captured, and some were never captured.

The world took it seriously that Putin should answer for the lives of every child who died in these attacks. That they were told they were not being taken for war but for training in extreme areas in the border came out through the revelations of Russian soldiers captured alive in Ukraine. Following this, the International Judo Federation and the World Tae Kwon Do expelled Putin from their organizations, removed him from the posts of Honorary President, and revoked the black belts given to him saying that Judo and Taekwondo black belts were not for attackers to walk around with.

Putin's most terrible Chechen fighters are the world's most feared Muslim fighters. They are in a crisis in Ukraine that they have never faced before. They encountered lard bullets coming from the guns of Ukrainian fighters. Still, if they continue the fight and die, they will indeed be considered terrorists, but with that, they are no longer Muslim fighters, because they are dying with larded bullets in their bodies which are haram for their religion. Ukraine must have copied this tactic from the independence movement of India, because it was since learning that the bullets given to their Indian soldier coolies by the British were greased with lard that the rebellion of the soldiers of the East India Company become famous in history as the Sepoy Mutiny started and the Company and the British Crown were injured and began to face the first setbacks. These fighters landed in Ukraine by Russia, who are the toughest now in Ukraine, are also the SOF of Russia, their Special Operations Forces! The Chechen people have been one of the groups the most brutally oppressed by Putin on the way to his political rise in power. These terrorists who joined the Nazi-costumed Putin are thus also the traitors of the Chechen people. It can be said that they are a very large mercenary group that has been partially formalized and governmentalized by Putin. They are now coming out of Ukraine in body bags.

The military archives of both world wars are full of stories of commanders who after landing troops in enemy territories were ultimately unable to save them. It is in the sealed and secret files there stipulating them not be opened even after a hundred years that the stories of these shameful deceptions and misdeeds are sleeping dormant finally. That is where the stories of these two hundred thousand novice and nascent soldiers who have not changed the smell of mother's milk and their commander named Putin who sent them to Ukraine are going. During World War II, an army sent out by white commanders, captured by the enemy, many were released, and eventually went insane was made up entirely of Negroes! If you send an army to die away, then let them all be Negroes- that was the attitude. During the Vietnam War and after been released from the war, many American soldiers became insane after witnessing and experiencing what happened there.

Had it not been under President Putin, the Russian Army would have been a prestigious and dignified army! But due to mental disorders Putin is the weakest link in that army. When it comes to Putin, the strength of the Russian army is drained, the power of the Russian army is lost.

The demand for Russia to immediately withdraw from Crimea and Donbas, the parts of Ukraine that Russia had previously occupied, is also rising rapidly. Putin started this war to stabilize Crimea and Donbas as Russian territories as part of a settlement that may come, to ensure that Ukraine is not taken into the European Union and NATO, and thereby to prevent Ukraine from being stockpiled with nuclear weapons along Russia’s borders as a permanent threat. If Ukraine were to become part of the NATO alliance- even if it joined the European Union at least- Russia would gradually lose these two occupied territories.

Putin, Modi and Trump are the three most terrible anti-Muslims in the world. They also have the backgrounds of many events of bloodshed that have spilled people’s blood, not theirs. All three of them are social outcasts in a way. In fact, for many years, even before becoming a Prime Minister, Modi was denied a visa and entry to the United States due to incidents of planning, involving in and masterminding communal riots. Still they have not been withdrawn. He is admitted now only because he has a diplomatic passport as a prime minister. Once that position is gone, the ban will return and be in force. Trump has lost his presidency for trying to demolishing the American Congress and inciting racial riots and is now being sued in the United States for that. Putin has been declared a criminal by the World Court for war crimes committed in Ukraine and elsewhere.

As long as this flagrant anti-Muslimism remains in their minds, they will not leave this association, whether they are in power in their respective countries or not. Don't care about their public statements, don’t they be taken into account; it's their secret dealings that matter. The similarities in the fascist attitudes and the anti-democratic and anti-Muslim views of the three people are unparalleled and it points to the unity of the three. Their public statements should not matter, should not be taken into account, should their secret dealings matter. The similarities in the fascist attitudes, anti-democratic and anti-Muslim views of the three people are unparalleled and it points to the unity of the three. The attitudes and stands of today's Turkey, which is only a remnant of the once-dominant Turkish Muslim Empire, even if it is a Muslim country, and even though these three are an anti-Muslim ruling trio, should always be taken into account only as those of one of their partners. External expressions of the three of them on the subject of mutual relations and interrelated matters not only should never be trusted, but they hide the long-term characters and intentions of the three of them and this partner. In effect, these four are against all forms of republicanism except fascism.

All these attacks, transgressions and violence are being done by a U. N. Securities Council Member. The supporting China is also the same! China is also attacking Taiwan under the cover of these attacks. By keeping these two members who have veto power in any decision of the Security Council how can the U. N. proceed? How will the world proceed? Russia and China vetoed the resolution that came to the Security Council to condemn Russia. But why did India join as a third country to oppose this resolution? Doesn't India have years of ideals and world manners to keep, that have been preserved until now by previous administrations?

Russia and China have vetoed the resolution that came to the Security Council to condemn Russia. But why did India join as a third country? Doesn't India have years of ideals and world manners that have been preserved until now? Under the guise of this support for Russia, some of India's citizens were evacuated from Ukraine without any interference or hindrance from Russia- in a deviated way, not by flying through air routes above Russia! Russia did not even allow those rescue planes of India to fly over Russia!! The only concession they allowed the Narendra Modi administration was allowing the Indian students to be extracted from there. What kind of a successful diplomacy is this ruse? What success lies in this?

The meaning of Russia saying ‘cease fire’ in the midst of this war is obtaining time to prepare for the next fire. One of these ‘ceasefires’ was secured at Narendra Modi’s request at the expense of the Indians. Saying it would last for an hour it lasted for six hours to give Russia breathing time in the midst of this war, to save itself for a few hours from the ferocity of Ukraine’s soldiers!

Russia has been telling for a long time that if the European powers and the United States go further interfering more with Russia through Ukraine, they will use nuclear bombs. If Russia dropped a nuke to end all problems, with nuclear bombs falling from all sides, wouldn't Russia too end at that moment? Putin will not have a single plane, ship or submarine left to escape from Russia- including those on underground. Even in Russia to live or escape from, the Russian army and the Russian people will not let him both. If Russia or Putin were to use even one nuclear weapon, if Russia was left with anything at all, this would be what would happen. Russia has no immunity from nuclear weapons used by others, just as others do not. As Putin has prepared anticipating such a situation eventually, no matter what bunker he hides in, he will have to come out like Saddam Hussein, and then he will be caught and loose his life.

Written between 27 February and 10 March 2022 and first published on: 28 June 2024

Original article in Malayalam written between 27 February and 10 March 2022 and first published on: 28 June 2023

SM1339. ആളുകളെ വെടിവെച്ചുകൊന്നാലു് ആളുകളു് ഹായു് പറയുമെന്നാണു് പുട്ടി൯ പ്രതീക്ഷിച്ചിരുന്നതെന്നുതോന്നുന്നു!






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