Saturday, June 8, 2024

290. The Hindu political leadership shakes with anger when told the Sanatana culture with its caste discriminations, vilifications, low-top birth levels and untouchability must go!


The Hindu political leadership shakes with anger when told the Sanatana culture with its caste discriminations, vilifications, low-top birth levels and untouchability must go!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

The Hindu political leadership shakes with anger when told the Sanatana culture with its caste discriminations, vilifications, low-top birth level differentiations and untouchability must go!

Speaking at a gathering of writers and artists in Tamil Nadu on 2 September 2023, Udayanidhi Stalin, DMK leader and Tamil Nadu minister, son of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. K. Stalin and grandson of former Chief Minister Muthuvel Karunanidhi, said Sanatana Dharma is like malaria, dengue fever and corona virus and it should not be just opposed but eradicated. The attempt was to establish that the Dravidian culture is so much higher and based more on equality than the culture of ancient orthodox Sanatana Dharma expressed through the worship of Hinduism, and that was why he said it. It was the Tamil Nadu Progressive Writers' Forum that organized this conference called Sanatana Dharma Abolition Conclave with clear political, social and cultural objectives. For all those who had doubts about what Sanatana Dharma is and why it should go, an incident happened the next day cleared all those doubts in one day.

In Uttar Pradesh in Ayodhya, a man who walks renaming himself as Jagad Guru Paramahamsa Acharya (his real name must have been something ugly!), announced from Lucknow that he will pay 10 crore rupees to anyone who cut the throat of this Tamil Nadu boy, and if others didn't do it, then he would do it himself. Symbolic and representative scenes of doing that were also spread through social media. (Today in India there will be no cases for such things- just a normal and routine Hindu-ruled state thing!). That is Sanatana culture- the unlimited license to do it! Saddened and dismayed at not being able to completely bring India under it, such saffron-clad hooligans are putting their whole faith in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's rhetorical exercises that this ghost of Sanatana Dharma culture, which the people of India cast out in the past, will be resurrected and returned to them- not only they, but also a few crores of people who have not even seen, heard or experienced anything about this Sanatana Dharma.

Don’t remember that rich Brahmin named Amit Shukla in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, drinking with his friends and amusing himself multi-ways in his home with his gang (probably with concubines and harlottes!), causing a stir and writing about it on social media creating a commotion and nearly causing a riot, initiating a permanent boycott of the Zomato company and the Sanatanas all beginning this boycott of the company immediately, claiming that the food he and his team ordered online was delivered to his home not by a Hindu Shukla but by a boy from another religion (guessed to be Muslim!), when the Zomato Company and the world firmly stood behind this delivery boy saying food has no caste or religion and released a month-wise statement of the various meat products ordered by this Sanatana Shukla that day and on previous days, and the police finding no way to save him from disgrace had to take a case against him for trying to create communal riots and the Sanatana Shukla folded his hood and vanished?

It is such a culture for such uncompromising Sanatana Shuklas that the prime minister Narendra Modi who is affectating as a great leader of the world, and his party BJP that steals and cheats from national assets and gives them to Reliance, Adani and such and such, and the pseudo-religious vulgars who hope they can bring back the politics of oppression and suppression of the backward castes from the past, hope they can restore to the modern day India!

Bharatiya Janata Party, the ruling party of India, unitedly protested against the elimination or even for-a-time abolition of Sanatana Dharma, and its leaders rising up shaking their manes came forward with continued statements. They boasted in a single breath that they were the ones who landed a vehicle on the moon and not the I. S. R. O. who borrowed the common Soviet-American technology for its ventures in space, and threatened to bring back the culture of the Shuklas that the world had condemned. But like this man’s in Madhya Pradesh, from those dirty words of that one in Uttar Pradesh, almost everyone had understood what Sanatana Dharma, having existed for hundreds of years crushing India and consigned her to darkness and foreign rule is, and why it should go.

Sanatana Dharma, that is, the Sanatana Law- when it is again enforced, there is one of the most important things in it, that those wearing saffron should not be questioned, whatever they say should be obeyed by everyone, and whatever they ask should be given. What is found in the Puranas that are the basis for this legal code, this Code of Law, is that whoever wearing saffron claiming to be a Rhishi or a Maharshi is admitted to the house, except Vasishta, will eat all the food in the house and also ask for a virgin in the house for him, for that day. It means that it will eventually result in an illegitimate pregnancy and the child will become a vagrant. Can't see what Vatsyayana himself has done! It is said that all kinds of Samgams- meetings and unions- are forsaken for Rhishis and that they have shed all worldly interests and lusts, but their highest objective is the same sexual intercourse for all- unlimited licensed adultery under the law called Sanatana Dharma which no one can oppose!

What varied stories of sexual assaults and aberrations are heard in India today about many saffron-clad people, and how many of them are in jail for them! These atrocities will never anymore be able to be sued in court. It is thinking that when this law comes back, they will regain the license for all these that all these saffron-clads have jumped out in a group. The Devadasi system in Hindu temples which the country ended will also be brought back because of this, for these, or they will bring it back for just plain adultery and prostitution. India was cursed at that moment when instead of having a Prime Minister like Nehru, who had a scientific orientation and a socialist outlook, had a Prime Minister like Narendra Modi, who is engrossed and steeped in superstitions and fallacies and corruption.

When BJP woke up and came down to quench the insatiable thirst of these fanatics who are spread throughout the country and who helped them ascend to the throne of power on the wings of Hindu sentiments and also helped them retain and maintain that power to help them gain this sole purpose, all the other parties including the Indian National Congress were forced to give their opinion. The Congress held and responded that everyone is free to express their opinion which is part of their democratic freedom.

Poles apart from the Marxist Party i.e. the Communist Party of India-Marxist or the CPIM which cannot and is unable to analyze the Sanatana Dharma promoted by the centre-ruling Hindu-Theocratic Bharatiya Janata Party and comment on it on the basis of their theory and practice of Marxist-Communism because of its leader and also their Chief Minister of Kerala Pinaraayi Vijayan leaving the path of the working class struggle of the proletariat turning to the path of corruption, and now being notorious for corruption by himself and his family in the name of governance of Kerala, and clinging to the feet of the very central BJP who are the endorsers and the enforcers of the Sanatana Dharma in order to escape from jail time in corruption cases, the other Communist Party which is a also a partner in the Kerala administration- the Communist Party of India or the CPI, took their stand behind Udayanidhi Stalin, and said what he said was very true. Thus, it gradually began to be revealed who in India in the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary, and also in politics and the media besides, are living with the Sanatana sleeping inside them, and who want to live a normal life away from them.

When we say annihilation, obliteration or eradication, its original meaning is to kill. BJP took the primitive stance that when he- Udayanidhi Stalin- says to eradicate Sanatana Dharma, he is inciting to kill. Udayanidhi Stalin argued that when he says India is to be emancipated from the Hindu Sanatana Dharma, it is not to be killed, and asked if when the BJP Prime Minister Narendra Modi constantly says India is to be rid of the Indian National Congress he intends and means to kill it.

One thing that essentially needs to be noted and understood here is that, after the BJP came to power and roughly declared a Hindu Rashtra by subverting, and if possible through Constitutional Amendments if they get a two-third majority in the Parliament by overthrowing, the Constitution of the Secular Republic of India, the Supreme Court recently interpreted and more or less declared that Sanatana Dharma is the only Dharma or Law in India, and that it is an almost Official Dharma of India, and that as it is now, i. e. as this interpretation stands, it should be monotonically followed by all. Is Sanatana Dhamma the only Dhamma, the only Law, in India for all to follow? What and where then is the older and more humane Dravidian Dharma? Looked at that way, then, isn't the restoring of the Sanatana Dharma by the Indian Hindu Theo-Corporatocracy led by the ruling BJP an attempt to eradicate the black Dravidian culture which spread from Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh to the plains of the Indus River Valley and dominated and ruled that vast semi-continent?

Isn’t it in history that the slaves who gained freedom from slavery in their lands with the intervention of Moses and his Ten Commandments, for not being fallen into slavery again, left their lands and wandering passed crossing through vast deserts and snowy mountains carrying babies, sheep and chickens and whatever they could carry and drag along on the way and forming themselves in to Aryans, while descending the Himalayas, stood startled at the golden loveliness of the Dravidian agriculture in the plains of the Indus? Isn’t it the survival war of the descendants of those migrant races who have European features and the descendants of those native Dravidians with African forms who were already settled there under the leadership of the kings of their time Rama and Ravana what is written there as Ramayana?

Was the impregnable and irresistible military headquarters of Ravana in the middle of the sea in Sri Lanka a myth, a fiction? Don’t make the ever-rare impartial and unclouded history researchers tell you, after the battle in Lanka the defendants and entourages of the royal family of Ravana who fell through deception and the fraternal betrayal by his brother Vibhishana and of Vibhishana who had to bear the shame and repentance of having had to do this heinous but politically-needed treachery and fraternal betrayal both left their respective native Eezhams (clan lands) in the ancient Island of Lanka (Ratna Dweepa then), with their clan occupations, portfolios and professions of weaving, toddy-making (distilling) and Kalari for the first, and Government Administration, Revenue and Treasuries for the second respectively, with or before or after the victor Raman left for the North India, via Thalaimannar and Rameshwaram from Lanka they came to the Kerala coast following the same rout Raman followed, and parted ways and divided and evolved into the two Ezhava and Nair communities in Kerala and the Illatthu Pillais of Tamil Nadu, and settled, still even now doing their specific clan occupations.

And also don’t make those history and geography researchers tell you that there was no sea in between South India and Africa then, it was all an undivided continent and through landmass which could be walked on straight, and the forms of people in both places in terms of black curly hair, color and body shape are the same even today, why even in language! What difference is there between Afrikaans and Tamil in many respects anyway? Haven’t heard about the song of the bird?

‘Ellukira thoonku vaanala,
Njaaru paarumaa…!’

Is it Tamil or Afrikaans? Ellu in Tamil and Ekiru in Afrikaans mean Bone. Thoonku means Hang. Vaanu means the Sky and Ala means Wave or Wind. Njaaru in both means We. And Paaru means To Fly. That we will fly rising high up in the sky without knowing it ourselves, i. e. involuntarily, when the wind enters our bones and blows through! The same meaning in Afrikaans and Tamil!! There was no sea in between Africa and Tamil Nadu- just one continent!!!

Written on 04 September 2023 and first published on: 09 June 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 04 September 2023 and first published on: 05 September 2023

SM1397. ജാതിവിവേചനങ്ങളും ഉച്ചനീചത്വങ്ങളും തൊട്ടുകൂടായു്മയുമുള്ള സനാതനസംസു്ക്കാരം പോകണമെന്നുപറയുമ്പോളു് ഹിന്ദുരാഷ്ട്രീയനേതൃത്വം ക്ഷോഭിച്ചിളകുന്നു!





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