Thursday, June 27, 2024

311. Do not call Narendra Modi’s and BJP's Hindu fascist machinations as India's diplomacy. India has seen much diplomacy: This is not it!


Do not call Narendra Modi’s and BJP's Hindu fascist machinations as India's diplomacy. India has seen much diplomacy: This is not it!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

The officials of India's foreign affairs department went on for ten days saying that in the midst of Russia's attack, Indian students who were trapped in Ukraine should stay patiently and safely inside the bunkers, and that India's rescue mission would arrive immediately. How would they be in the bunkers- were food, water and medicine being delivered to them by the Indian embassy? So how could they sit in bunkers? So, left with no choice, they decided to walk down to the border of the next country, taking their lives in their hands, even if it meant death or barrage of bombs and missiles by Russia, which country was ruled by Vladimir Putin, who is said to be a long-time friend of their country India and a close friend of India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi. They informed it to the India’s Department of External Affairs also. Is this India’s diplomacy? Is this how a Department of Foreign Affairs should behave and act?

With a Prime Minister who sided with Russia against Ukraine and walks around in the security of India and telling the world constantly that Putin is ‘my friend’, did the Department of External Affairs think that the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian government who are burning and suffocating themselves in sub-zero temperatures amid a rain of Russian missiles and cluster bombs would go to the bunkers to investigate things and ask if the Indian children were getting medicine, water, food and blankets? In this way, it was when they came out of the bunkers for medicine, food or water Indian students were killed by Russian bombs. Isn't war going on only in Ukraine, or is there war going on also in Russia? Why didn't the sky and land of ‘Modi’s friend’s country Russia open in front of the Ministry of External Affairs and Narendra Modi to bring back Indian students? Were there martial laws in Russia?

This is not a matter of Indian medical students studying in Russia dear Department of External Affairs and Prime Minister..., it is a matter of Indian medical students studying in Ukraine, which is being bombed by Russia! The matters of the Indian children who go to study in Russia like them are safe for the time being until this war enters Russia. India's conked out diplomacy, faulty diplomacy, flawed diplomacy- that's what happened in Ukraine. If there are Indian children in Ukraine and we want to save those children in the midst of the war they are facing, should we empathize and sympathize with and help Ukraine or Russia?

If India is a friendly country of Russia, if Narendra Modi is a friend of the Russian President Putin, and if Russia is receiving billions of rupees from India through many projects including in defense and nuclear, then is it not Russia's responsibility to keep those children safe in Ukraine, which is being invaded by them? Isn't Russia taking the money of those children also from India? Or is it the private money of Narendra Modi and the BJP that they are taking from India? Isn’t it the lives of so many children and their families ruined by returning home without completing their studies? Do not Russia and India, who pose and strut as world leaders, have no responsibility to create a political environment that would enable them to continue there and complete their studies instead of returning? Didn’t those who ruled India for so long before this had the ability and the world's acceptance to do that? Isn't it to think about these and act before a war starts that the Presidents and the Prime Ministers are made for? If these two people could not do this, then what is their proclaimed friendship?

The world does not call this diplomacy, but deception, intrigue. The Indian students there have more knowledge, skills and information to recognize it than the Prime Minister. Isn't it because of that that they got admission to study medicine there? With the knowledge, skills and information that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has, would he have got an admission for the medicine course on the basis of merit, not there, but anywhere?

These children study abroad because their families cannot afford the expenses of medical studies in India and because they are eligible to get medical admission in other countries like Ukraine and Russia for medical courses. That itself shows the bankruptcy of the Indian medical education sector and the indifference of the central and state governments in health education matters. Would any of these academically brilliant children go abroad if they had the chance to study in their own country- except for higher studies?

So, do not call Narendra Modi’s and BJP's Hindu fascist machinations and maneuvers like these as India's diplomacy. India has seen much diplomacy: This is not it! Why ten days after the start of the war, Russia which had caused its own soldiers to be killed en-mass in Ukraine without even a single minute of ceasefire, saying that India requested to evacuate their students, announced a break of just six hours of war on the eleventh day came out right away anyway: to give a respite for the war-criminal Russia to let out breathe in another country! That’s the only BJP diplomacy now!! Till Narendra Modi and BJP came to power, India's foreign ministry and government have never done anything like this anywhere- like in Tibet, Bangladesh and Pakistan, they were always on the side of the oppressed, the occupied, the murdered and the raped.

It is estimated that it was between three lakhs and thirty lakhs civilians that were killed in Bangladesh that day by the Pakistan Army and pro-Pakistani Islamic terrorist organizations. As a result, around eight to ten million people flocked to India as refugees. To stop that flow, entering that part of Pakistan, intervening militarily, liberating Bangladesh from Pakistan by India and making it an independent nation was inevitable. After peace was almost restored in Bangladesh, the flow diminished.

Despite Russia making this many billions of rupees in arms deals from India, despite the fact that the Prime Ministers of the two countries frequently hug each other, and despite they are ‘My Friends’ in Modi's language, even after ten days of the war, Narendra Modi and BJP and their Indian Diplomacy have not been able to bring back the Indian students stranded in Ukraine for Russia not allowing Indian airplanes bringing back these children to fly over Russia. All the other nations had evacuated their children long before that. For that, for evacuating their citizens from Ukraine if needed, even though Russia did not open its borders even to India, Ukraine opened its borders to everyone. Only that they needn’t tell Indians what is the secret behind this, this India-Russia stands- Indians know it. The aim of Putin and Narendra Modi was to take advantage of this war and as preordained and following Putin declare a state of emergency in India as well, by saying that there is an atmosphere of war and conflict and war preparations are going on in the neighboring countries. Don't forget that it was Russia that advised Indira Gandhi to declare national emergency in 1975! On the same advice of Putin, on his return from visiting Putin, on his attainment of power for the third time, in June 2024, Narendra Modi is again speaking of national emergency!!

We despise those who lie to us. We have contempt for those who are like that, who are constant liars. The Russian people to Putin regarding the Ukraine war which is only his private matter and political need, and the Indian people to Modi regarding his support for this war by financing it through the purchase of weapons and purchase of oil for return support in his Hindu Rashtra, and the returning of Indian students from Ukraine, have only contempt and disdain. No matter how much government propaganda and media propaganda Putin and Modi do (does not use the unrefined word ‘thrust’ here!), the people to whom have been revealed their true nature, fascist thinking and cowardice through this Ukraine war, feel disdain for them! If Trump, who was a close friend of both of them (Narendra Modi's ‘My Friend’!) and the American President, was in power and had not been kicked out by the people, there would have been three Disdain Kings!!

Written on 05-07 March 2022 and first published on: 27 June 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 05-07 March 2022 and first published on: 27 June 2023

SM1337. നരേന്ദ്രമോദിയുടെയും ബീജേപ്പീയുടെയും ഹിന്ദുഫാസ്സിസ്സു്റ്റുകുതന്ത്രങ്ങളു്ക്കു് ഇ൯ഡൃയുടെ നയതന്ത്രമെന്നുപേരിട്ടുവിളിക്കരുതു്; നയതന്ത്രംകുറേക്കണു്ടതാണി൯ഡൃ- ഇതതല്ല!



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