Saturday, June 1, 2024

283. What were taken by helicopter flying at night above Trivandrum Padmanabha Swamy Temple were not tourist photos brother..., they were Thermal Image Sabotage Photos….!


What were taken by helicopter flying at night above Trivandrum Padmanabha Swamy Temple were not tourist photos brother..., they were Thermal Image Sabotage Photos….!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Zef Art. Graphics: Adobe SP.

That the air space above the immense treasury dungeons located subterranean in the cellars of the Padmanabha Swamy Temple in Trivandrum which is unique in the world should be declared as a no-flying zone, and that currently only drones flying above it are banned, was officially announced by the Trivandrum City Police Commissioner on 5th August 2023, when it came out that the helicopter which flew above it at night crisscrossing several times and taking pictures, belonged to one Mr. Yusafali who is won’t to intervening in the Kerala administration of Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and standing behind him as an illicit force always, to bail him out.

It was in order to prevent groups and organizations with foreign operations from looting this world’s largest treasure collection by conducting aerial surveillance over these treasure dungeons and attacking it in the style of international terrorists that with the intervention of the Supreme Court of India the airspace above and the surroundings of this treasure temple of ancient Travancore was declared as a high security area and the presence of various armed forces backed by modern weapons at the cost of crores of rupees was ensured.

The deployment and utilization of that security and surveillance manpower and equipment and related monitoring systems were undone, freezed or bypassed five times during that night, knowing what the ultimate aim of that flight was. Then to give some legitimacy to the flight that sky-craft flew all the way to Kottayam and stopped at the house of the recently-deceased former Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy’s to mourn! Which will sell more in international market today- the thermal images showing where each people will be inside and outside everywhere at that most crowded time at the seat of that normally inaccessible immense treasure, the Padmanabha Swamy Temple, or the pictures of a businessman bewailing sitting with the family of the bereaved former chief minister Oomman Chandy?

What many foreign powers have tried in many ways for a very long time for sky-mapping the location and position of that treasure-trove inside this ancient royal Hindu temple and determine the time and spot where the security forces are deployed and the devotees are most centred at any given time, and failed, is what with the help of his nominee-Protégé the Kerala’s home minister-cum-chief minister Mr. Pinarayi Vijayan and thereby his police, a foreigner-capitalist who allegedly is involved in several nefarious transactions affecting even India's national security and walking around freely even after receiving summons-to-attend-for-questioning from the Central financial crimes investigation agency the Enforcement Directorate or his staff implemented on the night of 28 July 2023 before and after the most crowded time there at 7:00 p.m. The Kerala media that gave the news next day vainly tried to portray it as a misguided flight- within a radius of one kilometer from the Trivandrum International Airport Control Tower and Navy and Air force Centres! These were not tourist photos brothers... they were thermal image reconnaissance sabotage photos taken for a specific purpose... to be sold to the highest contender or bidder or to be used by self! They are patient and the prize is high and they will wait for any number of years.

The bottom line is that the vigilance and safety measures that has been on for so long a time on this treasure issue has been defeated through their joint synchronized manoeuvre. All the images taken through thermal imaging technology must have been delivered to their destination for a price or in return for a favor or to be used by self.

If it was not a government of the International Robbers and Burglars Association, that aircraft would have been immediately downed, or shot down, and the equipment installed in it inspected with the help of the Navy or the Air Force....! But nothing like that happened. Seeing the behavior and attitude of the state crime investigation units in this matter it will seem that they are seeing these things for the first time, have not learned anything about such protocols, and it is the people who are to teach them these!!

When we remember that it was the same foreign-based businessman who became the leading-accused as to have planned while abroad and carried out through the officials of the Pinarayi Vijayan government in Kerala the aforementioned foreign-related multi smuggling and contraband-trafficking operations and made several illegal and ill-gained money transfers also, who also always stood behind Pinarayi Vijayan shadow-governing the administration of Kerala, all as stated in court in affidavit by the woman who was in jail as an accused in the same gold and dollar-smuggling cases, we shall understand what the current target and programs of the said two persons and this foreign group that is behind them actually running the government are. Their aim is a robbery which is the mother-of-all-robberies- a one-time heist.

A man can hide many things including his facial expressions but not the heat coming out of body- the body heat. No matter how small it is, thermal imaging technology will show you where body heat is coming from, where that animal's body is in any darkness. Like the special binoculars used by soldiers and commandos for this purpose, there are also very expensive cameras that can take thermal pictures from satellites. It will show you if there are any human being or an animal anywhere inside the inner walls of a palace or inside a vault, and pinpoint for us its presence and location. It is present in modern military aircraft and helicopters used for reconnaissance. Its presence at night on top of the Padmanabha Swamy Temple in Trivandrum, where the world's largest collection of treasures is located, tells us the possibilities of many crimes.

Written on 04 August 2023 and first published on: 01 June 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 04 August 2023 and first published on: 06 August 2023

SM1384. പത്മനാഭസ്സ്വാമിക്ഷേത്രത്തിനുമുകളിലു് രാത്രി ഹെലിക്കോപ്പു്റ്ററിലു്പ്പറന്നെടുത്തതു് ടൂറിസ്സു്റ്റുഫോട്ടോസ്സല്ലസഹോദരാ... തെ൪മ്മലിമേജു് സബോട്ടാഷുഫോട്ടോസ്സാണു്...!







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