Saturday, June 29, 2024

313. The television tragic drama of Vladimir Putin of Russia against Volodymyr Zelenskyy who became the Ukrainian President through the popular television programme Servant of the People now running- The Enemy of the People!


The television tragic drama of Vladimir Putin of Russia against Volodymyr Zelenskyy who became the Ukrainian President through the popular television programme Servant of the People now running- The Enemy of the People!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Tomasz Sadny. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy is one who finally became the President of Ukraine through the popular television program Servant of the People. A televised tragedy is currently being played as well from Russia by Vladimir Putin- Enemy of the People!

Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, and Bulgaria, except for Ukraine and Belarus with them, are the countries on the Russian border that are very close to Moscow, that is, within missile distance both ways. The rest of that part is the Black Sea. All except Russia and Belarus in that area are either under the influence or influence of the Western powers or members of the European Union or NATO. It can be said that Russia is surrounded by European Union and NATO. With Ukraine too becoming a member of either of these two unions, Russia's position will be in very consternation and dismay. The only help is China which cannot be trusted and India ruled by a BJP Prime Minister who can swing whenever and wherever he wants. Both those relationships are unstable and now crumbling and falling apart for a number of reasons, including the imbalance in give and take- it's just that the relationship is somehow holding up for the time being because all three groups have something in common to buy and sell. If America makes more offers, the BJP Prime Minister will lean there.

Ukraine sought the cooperation and help of retired military personnel from other countries to defend against Russia. Militants from many countries expressed interest in joining forces with Ukraine's parallel People's Defense Forces. Three thousand such experienced people from America arrived in Ukraine. There are also many such people arrived from other countries. Their intention is to join the common people of Ukraine, who have little experience in warfare which they have.

Ukraine was asking other countries for Russian fighter jets themselves to counter the Russian attacks, because if it is them then all Ukrainian pilots know how to fly them very well, because for so many years they had been part of the Soviet Union’s air force which made them! The MiGs themselves were sourced from many countries- the very same ones manufactured by Russia!! Poland handed over thirty-two MiG fighter jets in their hands to Ukraine and in return is getting F-16 fighter jets from the United States which will be delivered to them through Poland as per NATO agreement.

Bulgaria, Poland and Slovakia decided to transfer three dozen MiG warplanes to Ukraine, as the first installment. They were all manufactured and sold by Russia sure. Military aid from Finland, Norway and Italy are on the way. Armaments and artillery of major NATO countries such as Germany, France, Britain and the United States have already started arriving in Ukraine. Australia and Belgium are supplying arms. Putin's announcement that he will attack all countries that help Ukraine has had the effect of an inviting and invigorating tonic for these countries. So how many countries should Putin attack at the same time? There is not only a military equipment delivery but also financial support from all these countries to Ukraine. On the other hand, these same countries are blocking Russia's money and materials from going in and out through routes under their control through various sanctions, prohibitions, and restrictions. The move is to make Ukraine first a member of the European Union and then directly provide the necessary troops to Ukraine. With its subsequent membership in NATO also, the divisions of NATO's member countries' forces will also arrive. The sarcastic question and challenge of these countries to Putin anyway is whether he can show his mettle by using nuclear weapons against them.

Twelve cargo planes from the United States arrived in Ukraine on 5 March 2022 full of weapons- to be precise they arrived not in Ukraine but in Poland on the border of Ukraine. Were mainly anti-tank missiles and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles! For this, France and Germany put aside their policy of not sending weapons to the conflict zones and mainly delivered bombs. They all are delivering not only weapons but also fuel.

If CNN announces that, the military equipment and weapons brought to Ukraine since before the start of this war by the 14-nation helping auxiliary powers, including the United States, have been stored in this one place, and that if Russia knows about this place, then there is a risk that it may be lost or destroyed altogether, it has only one meaning- that it has been delivered not to one place but to many places, and that if it is really to be used against the Russian occupation forces, then it has been already deployed in the intended places and positions, if needed even to be used against Russia’s vassal state Belarus, and if that is not enough even further against the Russian soil itself!

In order to attract and captivate and impress Putin, when the time came when all the preparations were completed, they themselves also revealed to the world through the CNN global news channel that a secret air base was functioning near the border of Ukraine protected by the advanced and latest defense equipment of the United States and its allies. This was an open invitation to Putin, who had attacked many airports in Ukraine! Putin sure will, they hoped, stick to it like a fly sticks to a honey-oozing jack fruit. (And he did!). Many dummy aircraft of many foreign nations are parked there and frequently some make their appearance and leave, leaving radar trails for Putin to follow. It is when a missile falls on one of them i.e. on one of those decoys that the first missile of this war lands inside Russia- most likely from Poland as part of NATO. Even though Putin could know about this long ago through air reconnaissance that tracks down even the camouflaged airports, Putin still remained not responding. This is to see if NATO and Ukraine will provoke him and take retaliatory or counter measures. The target has been prepared, and the call for to come and attack if dares given! To put in literary terms like in Charles Dickens's novel David Copperfield, ‘Barkis is willing......!’

It was with this war that many people now learned that the site of one of the world's worst nuclear disasters under the communist rule of Russia, Chernobyl, is in Ukraine, and that a plant that made one of the world's largest cargo planes, the Soviet Union's Antonov aircraft, is also located in Ukraine. Russia destroyed the last remaining Antonov-225 aircraft in this war without letting it falling into the hands of Ukraine- the cost of repairing that one was two and a half million dollars! Then guess the cost of building one of those planes!! The price is 250 million in US dollars. Only one of the world's largest airplanes was ever built, and that was the one resting with Ukraine. It was located at the Antonov plant in Kiev, Ukraine. Russian soldiers who entered Kiev destroyed it. Ukraine has informed that it will be rebuilt. Anyone who has seen a picture or video of this Antonov aircraft knows that it belongs to and is a property of Ukraine: the national flag of Ukraine is painted lengthwise on the bottom of it. The amount of compensation to be returned by Vladimir Putin and the Russian military generals who fought the war in Ukraine is rising sharply thus! He has already been declared a war criminal by the International Court of Justice.

The picture, profile, personal information and service history of any high-ranking Russian military officer entering Ukraine are passed on instantly and arrive in Ukraine from their own military dossiers. One can guess who is delivering them- the Russian Army itself! Putin is waging war against Ukraine. The Russian Army inside Russia, because of the fear of a nuclear bomb falling inside Russia due to Putin's madness, to avoid it, is fighting Putin, and sending out military information on the situation and status quo of things in Russia to the place where it would be the most effectively made use of, delivering where it needs to be!

International hackers and activists have been intercepting radio communications of the Russian military moving inside and outside of Ukraine and putting them online on the Internet for anyone, including the Ukrainian military and people, to see and read. There is no secret anymore. If the Russian soldiers report they will stay somewhere, or if they are told to go and stay someplace, a reception committee is already there to catch them! As far as Russia is concerned, things have come to that. Any Russian communication- even coded- is intercepted.

Media news experts working in this field since 2014 say that all news videos released by the Russian government regarding the situation inside and outside of Russia with this war are fake, artificial and manipulation, because they have plenty of time and quiet as there is no war inside Russia, and that the war videos coming out of Ukraine in many ways are imperfect but honest and true because there is no time, quiet and peace for manipulation as they are in the middle of the war. It is disinformation and misinformation that Russia is doing, propagating and spreading. For correct information, people now turn to independent media websites based in Europe if they do not trust Western media in this war. That all non-government news channels are banned and blocked in Russia, and that the Government of Ukraine’s News Channel Broadcast has been almost totally destroyed through continuous bomb-missile-shelling by Russia itself has also been taken into account in this assessment.

Even if nothing else happened, at least to assassinate the President of Ukraine, Putin hired a private mercenary group from Africa and brought them to Ukraine. It is certain that these murderous gangs will endanger Putin in time not only in Ukraine but also inside Russia. Only just when that happens is to be seen. If America pays more, it will immediately happen. (If fact, one of this gangs, even while this war was going on, marched to Moscow and captured many strongholds of Putin to overthrow him and the commander and owner of this private mercenary army was captured by Putin’s Russian army and executed in a supposed airplane accident- whether America paid or not!). In the history of the world, private guerilla-terrorist mercenary war groups have been summoned and participated in many wars. Many countries have paid and sent such groups on undisclosed and dangerous missions. Regardless of how much money they received, whether they will be able to get out of Ukraine is another matter. The entire Chechen mercenary unit sent along with this, including the commander of the unit, was captured and executed by the Ukrainian elite special command units, leaving none behind.

If Ukraine is going to win this war through social media, it has already been won in social media. Except in the dark internet world where arms manufacturers, death dealers, mafias, black marketers and fascists like the BJP thrive, Putin has no popularity or acceptance at all right now, and none on social media.

Written between 27 February and 10 March 2022 and first published on: 29 June 2024

Original article in Malayalam written between 27 February and 10 March 2022 and first published on: 28 June 2023

SM1340. സെ൪വ്വ൯റ്റു് ഓഫു് ദി പീപ്പിളെന്ന ജനപ്പ്രിയടെലിവിഷ൯പ്രോഗ്രാമിലൂടെ ഉക്രെയി൯പ്രസിഡ൯റ്റായ വ്ലാദിമി൪ സെലി൯സ്സു്ക്കിയു്ക്കെതിരെയുള്ള റഷൃയിലെ വ്ലാദിമി൪ പുട്ടി൯റ്റെ ടെലിവിഷ൯ദുരന്തനാടകമാണു് ഇപ്പോളു്ക്കളിച്ചുകൊണു്ടിരിക്കുന്നതു്- എനിമി ഓഫു് ദി പീപ്പിളു്!






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