Sunday, June 23, 2024

309. Making it’s not Hindus but Muslims the troublemakers would provide a justification for the formation of Hindu Rashtra in India, and support from places like Putin's Russia and Xi's China. That's why there are efforts to create this Hindu communal turbulence in England!


Making it’s not Hindus but Muslims the troublemakers would provide a justification for the formation of Hindu Rashtra in India, and support from places like Putin's Russia and Xi's China. That's why there are efforts to create this Hindu communal turbulence in England!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Torulus. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Foreign Indian Hindus have to answer why those who want to get political asylum still go to England instead of India. Remember that from Plato to Christ asylum-seekers were regularly going to India. If news or an article is published by the BBC or any other world media that one was beaten to death by a Hindu mob in India for being a Muslim, they should also say how and why it is a lie. Isn't that a truth for India after the Bharatiya Janata Party came to power? Is it only beating? Will it end there? Isn't the torture that that precedes it that lasts for hours if it is a man and the rape by many people if it's a woman a fact? Do not so many incidents like that happen regularly in India even in peacetime when there are no racial riots? Aren't hundreds of such incidents reported every year from India? It is not the Indian Hindus abroad who should feel ashamed and insulted by this, but the Hindu government in India. Not only do they not feel it, but it is they who orchestrate it to create an atmosphere of fear and insecurity among religious minorities. What else do foreign Indian Hindus expect from the person who organized a brutal and widespread communal riot where mass genocides of Muslim took place, and who is still doing it in other forms in states like Manipur even today, as the Prime Minister of India?

One thing needs to be particularly mentioned here: the protest by foreign Hindus in front of the headquarters of the BBC- which pointed out such things- against the BBC's news policy was reported best by the BBC themselves! Over the Leicester riots, the radical Hindus in London demonstrated against The Guardian newspaper too. The followers of Narendra Modi do not like any newspaper in the world that has its own place, status and value in the world, not only in London, because they do not write that Narendra Modi is a saint. It seems that only Pravda in Russia and China Daily in China write like that now!

The footage of Muslim youths pulling down the saffron flag from a Hindu temple in Leicester made news for Hindus in India and abroad and their government in India, but the footage of the Muslim Imam who tried to stop them did not. Nor was it news that at the end of the conflict, the Hindu and Muslim leaders stood side by side on the same platform and condemned the violence and jointly made a statement. It was after embracing each other that the leaders of both the religious communities parted. It was indeed Indian (Hindu) writers (such as Mrs. Darshana Soni) outside of the BBC in Channel Four News and others who reported the incident honestly as and when it happened. None of this news was helpful for Narendra Modi, Reliance and Adani to be in power, so the Indian media did not make it news. But later on, it was the impact of all these, with 100,000 times power as like in the many-fold impact principle used in hydraulic presses, that demolished Adani in the world market, left a warning that Reliance was the next, and Narendra Modi and his party began losing in all the elections held in India since then.

The protest of Hindu youths who marched two and a half miles east of the city to a Muslim-majority area and went in front of a mosque and started problems was a protest by the Hindus Narendra Modi told the BBC that his desire to become a world hero was shattered by the Gujarat riots video. It is clear how much grudge there is. He is still conducting the rest of the raids on BBC in India. When we learn that the protest of the Hindu youths, who forming themselves into a gang marched two and a half miles east of the city to a Muslim-majority area, went in front of a mosque and caused outrage and started problems, was against the BBC that made it instant news, it is clear how much hatred Narendra Modi whose desire to become a world leader was shattered by the video on the Gujarat riots by the BBC has towards them. The rest of his animosity he is showing as raids against the BBC in India.

It can be said that Narendra Modi failed in trying to spend lies in the western countries where there is a heavy media culture and awareness like he spent lies in India. The western media proved it right then and there that it was the extremist Hindus in England, who are the followers of Narendra Modi, were the initiators of all the riots in Leicester. That is, it was BBC’s reporting and proving that in the style of Narendra Modi's old Gujarat riots, the Hindus themselves ignited the sparks and spread through social media the news that Hindus were being attacked in London and made a mess of the situation that angered the Modi followers in London, just like Modi was angered and trembling with fury against the British-American media who were reporting the Gujarat riots day and night then.

Want to do everything, but doesn’t wish anyone to see them: that's what they want! The attempt to intervene and copy in Leicester and London the BJP’s method of the Hindus themselves starting all problems in a small way, igniting them into a big fire in a big way, and leading them to and finally landing them in communal conflicts, murders and rapes was instantly and continuously exposed by the vigilant media even as the events were being hatched, not after they were precipitated, thwarted, and was crushed then and there so that it failed miserably, and it was convincingly established before everyone that Modi is a racial rioter no matter what kind of coat he wears. It can be said that the BBC, which knows the history of Gujarat riots, defeated its being reproduced in England, through their news reports.

Today, everyone knows that it was to ensure that not a single London woman lost her dignity and honor as happened in the Gujarat riots that the BBC has done this cutting-edge style of news reporting. British people now fully know what the British Broadcasting Corporation has done to protect the dignity of the British women. The British also know what the Guru of those lustful asses of the BJP who could not get those women on the streets like they could in Gujarat is doing including raids in India against the BBC today for them and what he and they are up to.

In short, just as Narendra Modi's people are provoking Muslims through various actions in India, the same brand of people are doing the same in England. By making it that it’s Muslims and not Hindus who are the troublemakers who cause troubles everywhere in the world, their administration in India will get a justification for the formation of Hindu Rashtra by overturning the Constitution, and it will also get some support from some places like Putin's Russia and Xi's China. That's why there are efforts to create religious unrest and tumult including in England!

The Britishers in London have very nicely and very correctly assessed that what just a minority of the total Indian Hindu population in London are tormented with is the frustration of not getting enough respect and support for Narendra Modi and his Hindu Rashtra formation programme in England. Only that because all the ordinary citizens of London who do not go for this violence are very reserved in their British way, they do not say it, express their opinions on this, publicly. It means that when they buy and sell in the stock markets, they do take it into account correctly and appropriately as it is not the wayside Hindus who is buying and selling stocks and through that destroying the likes of Adani overnight!

The fact that Narendra Modi's people chose to start this riot there immediately after the British Queen's funeral shows not only their nature but also their character- an action even Bin Laden won’t think about doing! The details that have come out about the Gujarat riots through the BBC, the American Intelligence and other sources have already clearly shown that BJP, Narendra Modi and its other leaders are just racist rioters who do not look at time or situation nor trained in restraint in Hindu-way!! They can only be described as card players in a house of death and as clowns who have no sense of stage and scene!!!

Written on 29 October 2022 and first published on: 23 June 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 29 October 2022 and first published on: 14 June 2023

SM1328. ഹിന്ദുക്കളല്ല മുസ്ലിമുകളാണു് കുഴപ്പക്കാരെന്നുവരുത്തിത്തീ൪ത്താലു് ഇ൯ഡൃയിലു് ഹിന്ദുരാഷ്ട്രരൂപീകരണത്തിനൊരുന്യായീകരണവുംകിട്ടും, പുട്ടി൯റ്റെറഷ്യയും ഷീയുടെചൈനയുംപോലുള്ളചിലയിടങ്ങളിലു്നിന്നും പിന്തുണയുംകിട്ടും. അതിനാണു് ഇംഗ്ലണു്ടിലടക്കമീമതസംഘ൪ഷമുണു്ടാക്കലു്പ്പരിശ്രമങ്ങളു്!






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