Wednesday, June 5, 2024

288. Without finding a way to steal the treasure from the subterranean vaults, creating a government order to take it out and lay it for display, and then conveniently stealing it from there…! You two stupid fools…. the people have already read about it in Frederic Forsythe’s novel Icon…!


Without finding a way to steal the treasure from the subterranean vaults, creating a government order to take it out and lay it for display, and then conveniently stealing it from there…! You two stupid fools…. the people have already read about it in Frederic Forsythe’s novel Icon…!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Adobe Stock. Graphics: Adobe SP.

After Youssafali's spy helicopter deployed to Trivandrum for field observation and mapping over the Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple at the request of the Marxist Party and its leader Pinarayi Vijayan and on their taking the forehand, its flying over the temple violating the air-traffic and no-fly-zone laws several times during the night and immediately after the stakeholder evaluation of the sortie’s report that the mission assigned and the feat (actually heist!) proposed is impossible, within five days after this reconnaissance sortie as if there was no time left to waste, ‘a most urgent proposal’ came in the Kerala Legislative Assembly in the midst of the most urgent assembly business matters that the treasure inside the underground vaults and dungeons of the Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple should be brought out and put on display preferably in a museum to attract tourists and make money for the bankrupt state- forgetting that it’s a Hindu temple run by a trust and a Supreme Court-appointed committee and the treasure there is not the state’s property! Not surprisingly for Kerala politicians this most urgent proposal was put forward by two ruling coalition’s MLA’s of two different parties- the Communist Party of India (Marxist), CPIM and the Communist Party of India CPI, in the person of Kadakampalli Surendran and A. P. Anil Kumar respectively. (There is consensus among them in this!).

The reports of the helicopter must have been sure that it is impossible to enter the vault, and it cannot be looted without getting it outside somehow! The story of how Russia's ancient and priceless icons were to be stolen and sold for hundreds of billions of dollars and without any way to loot them, how they were taken out from under Russia's heaviest security under a government order and taken out of the museum to be displayed in touring exhibitions abroad around the world from where it was stolen only to find that the brilliant Russians had anticipated everything and any eventuality and they were brilliant fakes- the world has good information about all this after reading about it in Frederic Forsythe's novel Icon. Before setting out to cheat people, knowing that there are books like this which people have read and reread and thrown away in dozens, take them and read them you two stupid fools…..!

The world's most valuable and largest treasure trove, enhancing the loveliness, brightness, beauty and charm of Trivandrum, sitting calm, peaceful and safe inside the many under-the-ground vaults of the Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple for hundreds of years, to the Kerala’s ruling Marxist Party and their native and foreign investor-capitalist groups’ Thief's Brigade and also to some other the centre-ruling BJP-backed inconsequentials like the Adani Group who played-smart with the mega industrial and investor groups in the world market and lost, and were crushed and smothered at their hands before they too are crushed, collapsed and smothered to smithereens by the same them unless they suddenly become immensely rich who sent these MLAs to the State Legislative Assembly with their proposal, is indeed of necessity to be taken outside from the inaccessibly protected and hermetically-sealed dungeons where it sits now and openly exhibited in a place- choicely by making it into a museum- where it could be conveniently stolen from.

The story of Youssafali's helicopter’s flight on that night can be read here:

283. What were taken by helicopter flying at night above Trivandrum Padmanabha Swamy Temple were not tourist photos brother..., they were Thermal Image Sabotage Photos….!

Written on 12 August 2023 and first published on: 05 June 2024

Original article in Malayalam written and first published on: 12 August 2023

1389. നിലവറയിലെനിധിമോഷ്ടിക്കാ൯വഴിയില്ലാതെ അതെടുത്തുപ്രദ൪ശ്ശനത്തിനുവെക്കാ൯ സ൪ക്കാരുത്തരവുണു്ടാക്കി അതവിടെനിന്നടിച്ചുകൊണു്ടുപോയകഥ ആളുകളു് ഫോ൪സ്സൈത്തി൯റ്റെ ഐക്കണെന്നനോവലിലു് വായിച്ചിട്ടുനടക്കുകയാണെടാരണു്ടുമണു്ട൯മാരേ.....!







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