Saturday, June 15, 2024

300. It is like the Communist Party of India wished India to be taken over by Communist China or Russia, the Bharatiya Janata Party is wishing some foreign corporation other than Reliance and Adani came and asked India for a price!


It is like the Communist Party of India wished India to be taken over by Communist China or Russia, the Bharatiya Janata Party is wishing some foreign corporation other than Reliance and Adani came and asked India for a price!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Ishant Mishra. Graphics: Adobe SP.

It is just as the Communist Party of India had once wanted India to be taken over by either the Communist China or Russia that the Bharatiya Janata Party is wishing that some foreign corporation other than Reliance and Adani came and asked India for a price! If someone came and had asked, they could have sold it for a good price and left the country. They are tired of selling each to Reliance or Adani in retail and getting paid piecemeal. Isn’t it tiresome to wait until everything is completely sold out? Had a good party had come and bought the thing wholesale, they would have gone to America, Britain or Switzerland and lived comfortably which would have been nice till the end of days without lying in the country without any benefit and without wasting time and ruining own lives by continuously telling people that Hindu Rashtra could be created and cheating them! Switzerland was the choice of countries because that's where all the money was sent. But no one comes even close with an offer. Despite making some noise even in the G-7 and G-20 trans-national conferences, no one comes close. The reasons for why no one comes close with offers are being studied by summoning the BJP-and-RSS-characteristic Chinthan Sibirams, that is, Hindu Thought Conclaves.

An opinion has emerged in these Sibiras that although Hindu Rashtra was not born, it was hearing the commotion related to it in the country, parliament and party, and thinking that Hindu Rashtra must have born and finally reaching the conclusion that India has gone a hopeless case, that no one is coming close with offers to buy the thing wholesale in one deal. It was also analyzed in these Thought Conclaves that why no one from abroad comes close with offers is because of the fear that, if all the people in India have already really been converted into BJP as the people hear nowadays and Narendra Modi goes abroad and claims, then they will not get qualified work force anymore to run and operate the enterprises and ventures they may start or acquire in the country even if they take over India. However, pre-sale studies are ongoing.

A tussle was made with the British Broadcasting Corporation by raiding their offices through government investigation agencies like the Enforcement Directorate and tried to impress and attract them and give a message that ‘we are here’, to no avail, it didn’t work. They took it seriously instead and minded not the veiled invitations. Now it is being investigated whether there is any scope for bringing back the East India Company. There are some specific reasons for that, and some favorable factors in the current situation. When the man who shot Gandhi, the father of the nation, is worshiped in the position of the father of the nation by them and venerated as his was a virtuous and noble act, shouldn’t they also bring back the East India Company which Gandhi, the Congress and the millions of patriotic Indians chased away? Shouldn’t it be if the Bharatiya Janata Party's anti-Indian tradition is to continue?

The English East India Company was formed by a royal decree in December 1600 to maintain the trade routes that Spain and Portugal, which held the monopoly of the Indian spice and perfumery industry through capturing and destroying the Spanish fleet in 1588. Apart from spices, the company also traded in tea, coffee, cotton and silk. The company hunted and exploited slaves in many places, including Madagascar, Mozambique, West Africa and Angola. It was taken control by the government in 1784 and placed under the British Parliament, but in 1857, it was hit and struck down with the Sepoy Mutiny in its Indian Army, and its economic and political influence was extinguished. Its legal validity and existence expired in 1873 and it lay dormant in the records and documents. The world had forgotten it as a perfect example of British colonial exploitation, inhumane slavery and oppression of fellow workers.

Though took over many parts of India with its own soldiers but was exhausted by the rebellion of its own soldiers, though dissolved but a remnant continued on with a tea-coffee business and the trade name, this remnant of a company was taken over very recently, said to be at BJP's behest (who paid the money is yet to come out!), by a man named Sanjeev Mehta who left India in 2005. If BJP wants, they can now ask him to acquire India also by giving them a small price, and even send him to China and Pakistan asking whether they would sell or even willing to take over India for a price of course. While keeping an outward hostile face towards China before the people, during the past ten years his record trade deals were with China, pushing the previous Indian governments’ long-time friend America to the second!

Written on 22 May 2023 and first published on: 15 June 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 22 May 2023 and first published on: 24 May 2023

SM1303. ഇ൯ഡൃ൯കമ്മ്യൂണിസ്സു്റ്റുപാ൪ട്ടി ഇ൯ഡൃയെ കമ്മ്യൂണിസ്സു്റ്റുചൈനയോ റഷ്യയോ പിടിച്ചടക്കിയെങ്കിലെന്നാഗ്രഹിച്ചപോലെയാണു് ഭാരതീയജനതാപ്പാ൪ട്ടി ഭാരതത്തെ റിലയ൯സ്സുമദാനിയുമല്ലാതെ ഏതെങ്കിലുംവിദേശക്കോ൪പ്പറേഷ൯വന്നു് വിലയു്ക്കുചോദിച്ചിരുന്നെങ്കിലെന്നാഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നതു്!





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