Monday, June 10, 2024

294. The BJP, which was advertised to grow as a gigantic tree at the expense of the Hindus of India, is now seen the roots cut and growth stunted due to lack of support from the so many Hindus still in India


The BJP, which was advertised to grow as a gigantic tree at the expense of the Hindus of India, is now seen the roots cut and growth stunted due to lack of support from the so many Hindus still in India

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Snapwire Snaps. Graphics: Adobe SP.

It was through a campaign designed and carried out through the media that it is an invincible movement that cannot be defeated and destroyed by anyone anyway that the BJP has been holding on until now. But after their coming for the second time in power in 2019, in the assembly elections in many states including Punjab in 2021 and Karnataka in 2023, and in the Local Body elections held in July 2023 in West Bengal, people saw the BJP breaking up. This break up still continues. The whole of the south went out of their grab.

In all these states, the BJP failed to get even 10 votes in many polling booths. The present situation of BJP is that there is no rank and file to work for them in the villages of the country except the leaders who left their parties and joined BJP for one reason or another or for the only reason of BJP being in power. The truth is that none of their followers had switched sides with these defectors. The BJP's existing ranks were not willing and ready to accept and work with these traitors of their parties- they still are, because these new joiners had been anti-BJP still then, were against these workers, were their proclaimed enemies, and had been vehemently campaigning against them. How do you forget the long-term enmity that you had against one until then and suddenly reconcile by one day? So it became a party of leaders only. If you ask which the Party of Leaders in India is today, you can undoubtedly say it is the Bharatiya Janata Party. That many leaders have left their parties and joined the BJP since they got power. Except the members and the leaders of the old Jana Samgh, was there anyone in the BJP when it started?

Like any caste and community-based party, the BJP's course too is that it makes a big breakthrough in the beginning and seizes power, and then gradually weakens and disappears from the body of the nation. Now in 2023, just nine years after their coming to power, no one believes what BJP says. People also believe that they are just liars like the Marxist government in Kerala which they adopted recently as a tenant and dependent party. If theirs was a democratic government, India would not have had so many problems and BJP would not have had this much damages and destruction.

So the BJP, which was propagated to grow as a gigantic tree at the expense of the Hindus of India, is now seen the roots cut and growth stunted due to lack of support from the so many Hindus still in India.

Written on 21 February 2021 and first published on: 10 June 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 21 February 2021, edited since, and first published on: 14 July 2023

SM1359. ഇ൯ഡൃയിലെഹിന്ദുക്കളുടെചെലവിലു് ഒരുമഹാവൃക്ഷമായിവള൪ന്നുപടരുമെന്നു് പ്രചരിപ്പിക്കപ്പെട്ടബീജേപ്പീ അത്രയേറെഹിന്ദുക്കളിപ്പോഴുമി൯ഡൃയിലുണു്ടായിട്ടും അവരുടെപിന്തുണകിട്ടാതെ വള൪ച്ചമുരടിച്ചുകുറ്റിയറ്റുപോകുന്നദൃശ്യമാണിപ്പോളു് കാണാനാകുന്നതു്





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