Tuesday, June 11, 2024

296. Is the height of the statues going up and knocking on the nose of God in the sky, development in the eyes of the BJP?


Is the height of the statues going up and knocking on the nose of God in the sky, development in the eyes of the BJP?

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By Mystic Art Design. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Have you ever wondered what Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel would have said when he saw his 3000-crore rupees statue built by Narendra Modi? It was not asked what Narendra Modi who created it would have said but what Sardar Patel, the character, would have said if he saw it. He would only have asked "Doesn't he have any other job? What other ways were there to get the votes of my people who he thinks would look at a statue and vote and win the elections? Who is he instead of merging the princely states and making them into a nation as I did, dividing those states in this nation into princely states”? That was why he was called a Sardar, meaning a leader of the nation.

Not saying it's a genetic flaw, but it's definitely a character flaw, a blemish. Lack of contact with the cultured and civilized minds led to this. A person, who spends twenty four hours talking and thinking about Gods, worship, rituals and old things and associates himself with only such people, even if he sits in the Prime Minister’s position or in any position, will not be able to build a scientific India like Nehru.

Hearing someone somewhere repeating the words of some old-time leaders and heroes of India said to have said ‘Industries, educational institutions and hospitals are the temples of India', and hearing only that last part and taking only the temple part out of it, in the restlessness of the mind and without a tail or a trace of what the hero would have meant, endeavoring and ordering building huge temples everywhere from Ayoddhya to anywhere in India and shrieking before the world in a huff ‘I did it…!’,- there is only one prime minister of that kind in the world- this one! Just like since childhood when as a boy saying that ‘my kite is bigger than yours, so I am great’, saying even when being a prime minister that ‘my statue is bigger than yours, so I am the greatest’,- it needs something there to be wrong.

Written on 17 July 2023 and first published on: 11 June 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 17 July 2023 and first published on: 20 July 2023

SM1369. പ്രതിമകളുടെയുയരംകൂടി ആകാശത്തു് ദൈവത്തി൯റ്റെ മൂക്കിലു്ച്ചെന്നുമുട്ടുന്നതാണോ ഇ൯ഡൃയിലു് ബീജേപ്പീയുടെ വികസനം?







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