Monday, June 17, 2024

302. Loka Kerala Sabha is a golden opportunity for overseas Malayalis to identify the ugly, the rotten and the never-to-be-touched among them, because everyone is a selection of that other man!


Loka Kerala Sabha is a golden opportunity for overseas Malayalis to identify the ugly, the rotten and the never-to-be-touched among them, because everyone is a selection of that other man!

P. S. Remesh Chandran

Editor, Sahyadri Books & Bloom Books, Trivandrum

Article Title Image By ID 46173 Pixabay. Graphics: Adobe SP.

Loka Kerala Sabha is a golden opportunity for Malayalis abroad to identify the ugly, the rotten and the never-to-be-touched among them, to spot those whom they should never get anywhere near close and associate with, because every one of them is a selection of that other man! Then, and so, there is no possibility of seeing even a single one of a different type in this selected assemblage. By reason of this leprous bunch of opportunists who come to Kerala when summoned to eat, dine, dance and many other delicious things at the expense of the people of Kerala, the party led by Pinarayi Vijayan whichever it is then- whether it is the Marxist Party or the BJP then- will lose at least 15 lakh votes in the next election. The people of Kerala who aimed and targeted him and his corrupt family in the 2024 Lok Sabha Elections and gave that family what they actually needed and deserved in the form a land sliding defeat have already ensured it.

It is clear that if it is the intention of Pinarayi Vijayan and his broken puppets and scumbags in the Marxist Party to go on and continue with this international private limited company called the Loka Kerala Sabha, the party comrades and the people will sure crush them down in the next election as well, because these people who voted against the extensive corruption of Vijayan and his family and washed the Marxist Party clean and put it to death bed, while voting, had also taken into account this Loka Kerala Sabha-named parody to the Indian Lok Sabha, created by the murky-minded Vijayan. How much money and how many crores of rupees Mr. Vijayan took out of treasury and gave to this Loka Kerala Sabha to wine and dine as his personal libelous gift also was noted and reckoned during voting. If there is a boycott just because they joined forces with this person who looted Kerala and divided the riches and wrecked the people, who is definitely the aimed target of the people of Kerala now, like they did with the Reliance during the Delhi farmers' strike and the Union Carbide which manufactures the Eveready Batteries during the Bhopal disaster time, many of these people’s companies in India and abroad will be immediately closed down!

It was heard that he who had lost miserably in the Lok Sabha elections had made a promise in their meeting that he would permanence them or that he would bring a law for that… and such and such! People count it only as a heartbreaking cry of the defeated inside that sinful assemblage and do not take it seriously. The people who know that in democracy no assembly that is not directly elected by the people shall exist and borne by the people or the state treasury, also know that whatever laws are thus made are revocable too, like those not one but three agricultural amendment laws made and passed by that great central government in Delhi in favour of the real Reliance Industries. Like any of his shows, one moment it's exciting and the next it's gone in tears.

The Non-Resident and Abroad-Settled Keralite Indians who came with the passports of many countries to participate in the fourth conference of this farce that was held at Trivandrum from 14 June 2024 at the expense of the people of Kerala are yet to know what kind of grave danger they have gone into, because in this conference they unanimously passed a resolution declaring firm support for the Palestinian radical and fanatic religious groups whom the United States of America and the many other countries from where they come have declared as terrorists and banned from entering their countries. It was for committing a far lesser crime than the then Gujarat Chief Minister and the present Prime Minister Narendra Modi was told not to enter the United States again and his visa was canceled. The names of all the passport holders who participated in this meeting in Trivandrum must have already reached the United States Department of State through the relevant agencies! And from there to the allied countries!!

Written on 12 June 2024 and first published on: 17 June 2024

Original article in Malayalam written on 12 June 2024 and first published on: 16 June 2024

SM1605. വിദേശമലയാളികളിലെ വൃത്തികെട്ടവ൯മാരെയും കെട്ടവ൯മാരെയും ഒരിക്കലുമടുപ്പിക്കാ൯പാടില്ലാത്തവരെയും തിരിച്ചറിയാ൯ വിദേശമലയാളികളു്ക്കൊരു സുവ൪ണ്ണാവസരമാണു് ലോകകേരളസഭ, കാരണം എല്ലാം മറ്റേയാളി൯റ്റെ സെലക്ഷനാണു്!





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